How to Pin a Boutonniere

Traditional Boutonniere:

  • Boutonnieres are to be pinned on the wearer’s left-side jacket lapel.  If there is no jacket a left side pocket will work similarly. A flat front shirt, suspenders and vest will be pinned from inside.

  • Locate the buttonhole on the lapel and place the boutonniere over the hole. 

  • If no buttonhole present place boutonniere at widest part of lapel.

  • The stem of the boutonniere should run more parallel to the lines of the lapel, not perpendicular to the floor.

  • In your left hand, carefully hold the boutonniere against the lapel in the desired position with the stem pointing down, greenery to the back (closest to the suit material) so that the flower is clearly visible.

  • With the boutonniere held in place, fold back the lapel and add the pins to secure.

  • Push a pin at an angle into the back of the lapel fabric, through the stem of the boutonniere, and back into the lapel fabric.

  • Repeat this stem with a second pin, at the opposite angle, making an X with the 2 pins.  This will prevent the boutonniere from flipping/twisting itself during the event.

Pocket Square Boutonnieres:

  • Start by making sure the suit or shirt pocket has been opened, you may need to carefully cut a few stitches to open a new pocket.

  • The florals of the pocket square boutonniere are attached to a card that just slips into the pocket. The floral should rest just over the top of the pocket. If the flowers are sticking up too far and you can see the card, just take a pair of scissors and cut the bottom of the card off to make up the difference and reinsert into pocket.


Pin On:

  • Pin On Corsages are to be pinned on the wearer’s left shoulder unless their garments dictate otherwise. 

  • If a jacket is worn see the instructions above for Pinning a Boutonniere.

  • If a blouse, sweater or gown is worn, place the corsage centered between the shoulder and neck.

  • If there is a bow at one end of the corsage it should be displayed at the bottom when pinned. If there is a stem on the back of the corsage it should be pointing down when pinned.

  • In your left hand, hold the corsage against the garment in the desired position with the stem pointing down, bow to the bottom, greenery to the back (closest to the material) so that the flowers are clearly visible.

  • With the corsage held in place and add the pins to secure.

  • Push a pin at an angle into the fabric, through the stem of the corsage, and back into the fabric.

  • Repeat this stem with a second pin, at the opposite angle, making an X with the 2 pins.  This will prevent the corsage from flipping/twisting itself during the event.



  • Wrist Corsages can be worn on either arm.

  • If there is a bow at one end of the corsage it should be displayed at the bottom, or the side closest to the fingers rather than the elbow when worn.

  • If there is a stem on the corsage it should be pointing down or closest to the fingers rather than the elbow when worn.